What is Telephone / Online Therapy?
Telephone / online therapy is psychotherapy which takes place over the telephone or via the medium of online communication such as Skype. Research has shown that it is as effective as face-to-face psychotherapy.
Why choose Telephone / Online Therapy?
- Telephone/Online Therapy offers a number of advantages over and above face to face psychotherapy. These are as follows:-
- Convenience: You can access help at a location of your choice, which can be different from week to week depending on your work, travel or life schedule
- No travel costs
- No time spent travelling to and from sessions
- Child care issues/costs reduced
- Greater accessibility
- My service is available to you even if you live, work or travel outside Ireland or if you live or work within Ireland but are simply too far away from one of the geographical locations listed.
- Access to therapy is also made easier for those with certain disabilities
- Greater flexibility
How to book a Telephone/Online Therapy Session
- Contact me by phone, email or online booking form to ensure I can help. See Contact Page
- Pay for session online via Paypal.
- Contact me on my Skype Name (which I will provide after we agree a time etc) at the designated time.